Work/Relationship Issues
The solution may not be about the situation at all. Find out why not.
Описание услуги
Many of our issues, frustrations, irritations at work or in relationships may be due to the unconscious energy wanting to have a voice. this is not something that you are aware of, our unconscious makes up 95% of our reactions and decisions in life. 5% is the conscious awareness. Tapping into the unconscious realm allows me to see if the issues stem from present day or a larger issue passed down to you through family generations. Alternating family or environmental programming and conditioning. When the energy is acknowledged through theis session things become clearer, decisions more centred around responsibility of actions without toxic shame or blame.
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There will be no refunds once you have booked a session. If something does come up as an emergency please email me and I can add you to the next session which you have paid for or another service
69 Morgan Drive, Gander, NL, Canada